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South Korea to screen 'It Rains Slowly'

Iranian short film 'It Rains Slowly' has been set to go on the silver screen at the 10th edition of the Seoul International Extreme-Short Image & Film Festival (SESIFF) in South Korea.

The short film, directed by Saeed Nejati, is the first joint product of the Qom Youth Cinema Society and the İzmir Metropolitan Municipality from Turkey.

Produced in Turkey, ‘It Rains Slowly’ tells the story of some school students in the 1980s who intended to help their teacher.

Launched in 2009 as the first festival for extreme-short images and films in Asia, the SESIFF celebrates its 10th edition this year.

The festival, with the motto ‘Anyone can make a film’, is one of the most ambitious cultural events in Korea.

Aim of the SESIFF is to make innovative visual culture which everyone enjoys and imagines.

The 2018 edition of the event is slated for September 11-16, in Seoul, South Korea.

